Frequently asked questions
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
Please refer to Aramco’s Base prospectus, dated November 16, 2020. It includes information on the bonds issued by the Company, including terms and conditions. Updated financial statements can also be found in Reports & Presentations.
Please refer to the Our governance section under About us.
Financial results are published upon the Board of Directors’ approval of the financial statements. Aramco will comply with the CMA submission deadlines stipulated under the CMA regulations. The Company’s latest financial results can be found in Reports & Presentations.
Please refer to the Investor news section.
Please refer to the Our offices and facilities section under About us.
The Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia currently owns more than 81.48% of the shares of the Company.
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
Company's symbol on Tadawul is 2222
The Company's codes are:
ISIN: SA14TG012N13
Bloomberg: ARAMCO AB Equity
Reuters: 2222.SE
Long name: Saudi Arabian Oil Company / Short Name: Saudi Aramco
Please refer to Saudi Aramco’s profile page on the Tadawul website (www.tadawul.com.sa).
Company's symbol on Tadawul is 2222.
The Company is part of the 'Energy' Sector and the 'Energy' Industry Group.
Please refer to Saudi Aramco’s Profile Page on the Tadawul website (www.tadawul.com.sa).
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
The eligibility of the bonus shares shall be for shareholders who own the shares by the end of trading day of the Company’s Extraordinary General Assembly meeting date (which will be announced later) and are registered in the Company’s shareholders record at the Securities Depository Center (Edaa) at the end of the second trading day following the Extraordinary General Assembly meeting date.
Other than the maximum limit of 49% on total foreign ownership, there are no investment limits on the company's shares per the CMA & Exchange Rules and the Company's bylaws. Please also refer to Saudi Aramco’s Profile Page on the Tadawul website (www.tadawul.com.sa).
Non-Saudi investors can buy/sell the Company's shares on the Exchange by opening a brokerage account with one of the Exchange members. Non-Saudi/GCC investors who are not residing in Saudi Arabia may acquire an economic interest in the Company's shares by entering into a swap agreement with an Authorized Person.
Please refer to Accessibility by Market Participants link on Tadawul to know more about the securites which non-Saudi investors can buy and the Members directory on the Securities Depository center Company (Edaa) for the list of Exchange members.
Market Participant's link
Members link
Individual investors can buy/sell the Company's shares on the Exchange by opening a brokerage account with one of the Exchange members.
Please refer to the Members directory on the Securities Depository center Company (Edaa) for the list of Exchange members.
Market Participant's link
Members link
Yes, the Company's stock price is subject to guidelines set by Tadawul: currently +/- 10% during trading day. They are calculated based on the reference price (previous day’s closing price). Please refer to Saudi Aramco’s Profile Page on the Tadawul website (www.tadawul.com.sa).
The settlement cycle is subject to guidelines set by Tadawul which is T+2 i.e transaction execution date + 2 business days.
Please refer to Saudi Aramco’s Profile Page on the Tadawul website (www.tadawul.com.sa).
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
Dividends will be deposited into the most recent portfolio account associated with Saudi Aramco shares, as obtained from Tadawul's database.
Dividends are paid in Saudi Riyal.
Please refer to the dividend schedule within the Company website.
The Company’s dividend distribution policy was approved by the Selling Shareholder on 27/1/1441H (corresponding to 26 September 2019G) by a written resolution pursuant to Article 31/2 of the Bylaws. The policy states that it is the intention of the Board of Directors, in its discretion, to declare dividends on a regular basis with a view to building long-term shareholder value and providing sustainable dividend growth.
In addition, the policy provides that dividends may be declared from net profits only after the Company has:
Ensured that dividends are capable of being distributed by the Company with reference to its most current financial statements;
Established any financial reserves to meet contingencies as determined from time to time at the discretion of the Board of Directors; and
Taken into consideration its working capital requirements, near-term liquidity and any other factors or considerations that may be relevant in this regard, including but not limited to the implications of any dividend distributions on the Company’s capital structure, credit ratings, and publicly communicated Gearing targets.
Dividend announcements are made after the Board of Directors’ resolution to distribute dividends. The Board of Directors’ resolution will also determine the dividends’ entitlement date, which would be disclosed in Aramco’s announcement of the distribution of dividends. It should be noted that dividends announced in a given quarter are based on the company’s financial performance in the previous quarter.
Dividends are to be paid within 15 business days of the announced entitlement date.
Please contact Aramco’s dividend agent, Alrajhi Bank, at 920 011 130
If you still have questions that have not been answered above, please submit an enquiry here.