Aramco sustainability report 2023
Investing in growth
Innovating for sustainability
We are Aramco, one of the world’s largest integrated energy and chemicals companies.
Our vision:
Aramco's vision is to be the world's preeminent integrated energy and chemicals company, operating in a safe, sustainable, and reliable manner.
Our mission:
Aramco strives to provide reliable, affordable, and more sustainable energy to communities around the world, and to deliver value to its shareholders through business cycles by maintaining its preeminence in oil and gas production and its leading position in chemicals, aiming to capture value across the energy value chain and profitably growing its portfolio.
Key download
Chairman's message
Key download
President and CEO's message
Oil and gas: an integral part of everyday life
Our sustainability framework
Aramco’s sustainability framework is articulated around four focus areas where we have the greatest influence, in order to create long-term real positive impact. The framework outlines our sustainability focus areas, identified through the conducted materiality assessment and extensive stakeholder engagement.
Each of the focus areas supports Aramco’s corporate strategy and aligns with both Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Our sustainability focus areas and sustainability performance are overseen by our Board of Directors.
sustainability focus area
Climate change and the energy transition
We aim to provide affordable, reliable energy as one of the lowest upstream carbon intensity producers of hydrocarbon products; while we continue our ambition to achieve net-zero Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions our wholly-owned operated assets by 2050.
Scope 1 emissions1
0123456789(2022: 55.7**)
Scope 2 emissions1,2
0123456789(2022: 10.3**)
Upstream carbon intensity1,2
(kg CO2e/boe)**0123456789.
0123456789(2022: 9.3**)
1. The Jazan Refinery is excluded from our GHG and flaring metrics reporting in 2022 and 2021. In 2023, only the stabilized units of Jazan Refinery are included in our GHG and flaring metrics reporting.
2. In 2023, we have adopted a market-based methodology as per the GHG Protocol Scope 2 Guidance. For more information on our GHG methodology, please refer to page 30 of the 2023 Sustainability Report.
More about: Climate change and the energy transition
sustainability focus area
Safe operations and people development
We aim to provide a safe and respectful working environment for all, on-site and within the community, supported by comprehensive policies, procedures, and resources. We strive to support, diversify, and empower our workforce.
Tier 1 process safety events
(number)01234567890123456789(2022: 11)
(number)**0123456789(2022: 5**)
Female employees
0123456789(2022: 6.4)
** This figure has undergone/is undergoing external limited assurance in accordance to the ISAE 3000 (revised). Upon completion of assurance, the assurance report will be made available on Our ESG data and assurance page.
More about: Safe operations and people development
sustainability focus area
Minimizing environmental impact
We strive to conserve natural resources, apply circular models across our value chain, and to have a legacy of projects that improve both natural habitats and shared resources.
Freshwater consumption
(million m3)**01234567890123456789.
0123456789(2022: 93.6**)
Hydrocarbon spills
(number)01234567890123456789(2022: 15)
Net positive impact on biodiversity
0123456789(2022: 53**)
More about: Minimizing environmental impact
sustainability focus area
Growing societal value
We seek to grow value wherever we operate. With our headquarters in Saudi Arabia, we have invested in the Kingdom’s oil and gas ecosystem to enhance the reliability of our supply chain, providing employment and economic opportunities to thousands of Saudi nationals.
iktva procurement spend in-Kindgom
0123456789(2022: 63.0)
0123456789(2022: 90.9)
Social investment1
($ million)012345678901234567890123456789(2022: 453)
More about: Growing societal value
Growing societal value (PDF)
Our sustainability governance framework
Aramco's sustainability governance model strives to align its sustainability aspirations and targets with its corporate business strategy and goals. At the Board level, we have the Sustainability, Risk, and HSE (Health, Safety, and Environment) Committee, which provides oversights over Aramco’s plans and performance, and oversees Aramco's sustainability, risk, and HSE policies and practices. The Board’s Audit Committee, among other tasks, monitors Aramco's compliance with legal, regulatory, and assurance requirements.
At the Company level, we have the Group Health, Safety, Security, and Environment Committee (GHSSE), which establishes the Company's health, safety, security, and environmental policies and reviews key issues, and the Sustainability Steering Committee (SSC), which identifies and guides sustainability-related issues to help Aramco assess potential impacts on long-term value creation for stakeholders and the business.
More about: Governance
Governance (PDF)